Web engineering
From the engineering area we are responsible for developing useful, pleasant and optimized web pages with the client’s objectives in mind, likewise we ensure the proper functioning of the products.

What we do?
These are some of the products that we develop in the area, we will tell you in detail how we do it, our processes and more.
Ecommerce B2B B2C
Content Blog
Startup MVPs
Campaign microsites
Corporate web pages
Landing page
Ecommerce Services
A web page is an online site that contains information and data on a specific subject, this can be transactional or computer. The main objectives of creating a website are: to give visibility to a project with different approaches, to generate robust databases, to obtain sales and interaction.
Ecommerce B2B B2C
An ecommerce is basically a website where we sell products and services in a fully automated way, where people can make payments online and customize their products to their liking; That is, we see the product, add it to the cart and pay at checkout with a credit card or a platform such as Paypal, Amazon Pay or Stripe. To complete the 360 strategy, ecommerce must be connected to a CRM and an automation platform to carry out remarketing campaigns.
Content Blog
A blog refers to an informative website where you can find topics of interest to users who come to it, with content in the form of articles called posts.
Startup MVPs
Web pages focused on Startups are based on marketing products and/or services, this with a scalable focus and objective, which allows rapid and agile growth in sales and recognition of startups.
Campaign microsites
A microsite is a separate page from a company’s main website, and is used to promote a particular marketing campaign or event, many of which are linked to a specific promotion and for a specific time. The content of the microsite is limited, it is about giving the exact information that the user needs to perform a specific function.
Corporate web pages
Corporate web pages are specific sites where the brand or company does branding and are used so that their potential customers know their products and all the relevant information of the company. All products and services are dynamically presented there.
Landing page
A landing page or landing page is a page within a website, its sole objective is to convert visitors into leads or prospects through an offer in which data is requested from visitors in order to also generate databases and future data.
The webmaster service is provided with the aim of keeping websites in proper working order, where the web software is monitored and updated and the proper functioning of the server where the page is hosted is reviewed. Additionally, incidents and problems on the web are resolved and the security of the site is guaranteed to avoid spam or virus attacks.
Ecommerce Services
Such as the sale, purchase, distribution and supply of some service or information through the Internet, which represents a new business opportunity for companies; Since, with the expansion of the Internet and the appearance of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, the relationship strategies between companies and customers are changing, bringing endless opportunities to achieve better brand positioning and a relationship to long term with its users.
What do you receive when contracting the services of this area?
Responsive and desktop project document
Site Performance Act
Repositories (for sites that manage it)
initial QA
Case Studies
Case Studies
Seguros Falabella | Insurance Company
We created a strategic plan that would allow the brand to adapt to the arrival of the pandemic, transform its way of operating and the way it connects with its customers. Learn about some of the insights and studies carried out to face the new normality and boost business metrics in the digital world.

Do you want to improve your company’s processes with our strategies?
Get to know our Marketing services based on Growth strategies, which adapt to the needs of companies to meet their objectives from different platforms.
Deseja aprimorar os processos da sua empresa com as nossas estratégias?

Conheça nossos serviços de marketing baseados em estratégias de crescimento, que se adaptam às necessidades das empresas para atingir seus objetivos em diferentes plataformas.