Terms and conditions of use


SI SEÑOR S.A.S., owns and operates this web page, which obeys the following domain www.sisenoragencia.com, hereinafter (the web page). This document contains the terms and conditions under which you can use our website and services offered by us. This web page offers visitors information about YES SIR, the work team, our services, our clients. By accessing or using the web page of our service, you agree that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by these Terms:


a. YES SIR reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions of the Portal at any time and for any reason without prior notice.

b. The right to deny registration to anyone, at any time, for any reason.

c. It is YES SIR’s interest to be a directory of people and businesses with current content of interest to Users. However, YES SIR cannot guarantee that said content is free of errors or inaccuracies, in which case any clarifications or corrections may be requested. SI SEÑOR SAS cannot guarantee that the content of the Portal is sufficient and/or useful for the User.


It is possible that this page obtains a link that redirects to other pages, which are managed by third parties, YES SIR, is not responsible for the content of these pages, nor services or products offered by them. The User must go directly to the administrator of said site and use said sites in accordance with the respective terms of use.


YES SIR does not guarantee the availability and continuity of the Portal’s operation. When this is reasonably possible, YES SIR will give prior notice of interruptions in the operation of the Portal.

YES SIR does not guarantee the usefulness of the Portal for carrying out any activity in particular, nor its infallibility and, in particular, although not exclusively, that Users can effectively use the Portal, access the different web pages or sections that form the portal.

YES SIR excludes any responsibility for damages of any nature that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of the Portal’s operation, to the defrauding of the utility that the Users may have attributed to the Portal and the services, to the fallibility of the Portal, and in particular, although not exclusively, to failures in accessing the different web pages or sections of the Portal.

YES SIR does not control or guarantee, and therefore is not responsible for, the absence of viruses or other elements in the contents of the Portal that may cause alterations in the computer system (software and hardware) of the User or in the electronic documents and files stored in the User’s computer system.

It is YES SIR’s interest to be a directory of people and businesses with current content of interest to Users. However, YES SIR cannot guarantee that said content is free of errors or inaccuracies, in which case any clarifications or corrections may be requested. YES SIR cannot guarantee that the content of the Portal is sufficient and/or useful for the User.

It does not guarantee and, therefore, is not responsible for the legality, reliability, accuracy, exhaustiveness, timeliness and usefulness of the opinion columns, and/or the opinions and information registered by the Users included in the Portal.


The Service and all materials included in or transferred, including, without limitation, software, images, text, graphics, logos, patents, trademarks, service marks, copyrights, photographs, audio, video, music, and all Rights of Intellectual Property relating thereto, are the exclusive property of YES SIR, except as expressly stated herein, nothing in these Terms is deemed to create a license in or under any such Intellectual Property Rights.


This site may use cookies, therefore, entering and browsing the portal will imply acceptance by the user of its use. The acceptance of cookies is not a requirement to visit the Site. Cookies are small text files that identify your computer on our server as a unique user. Cookies can be used to recognize your Internet Protocol address, which will save you time while you are on the Site or if you want to enter it in the future.

We only use cookies for your convenience in the use of the site (for example, to obtain targeted advertising that is of interest to you according to the sections you normally use). You are free to configure your browser not to accept cookies; however, this obstruction could restrict the use of portals that use this mechanism. The use of cookies does not contain or affect data of a personal or private nature and does not represent a risk of viruses. In any case, you can always refrain from accepting the use of cookies and leaving the site.


When accessing the web portal, it is possible that SI SENOR sent information that may or may not be of interest to the User, through different means, in the event that you no longer want to receive the aforementioned information, please inform the administrator of the page in the terms of the privacy policy.


These Terms and Conditions have been arranged in accordance with Colombian law. Any action or claim must be made before the Colombian Courts.

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