How did we do it?
- Content cycle by comments.
- Organic viralization by weight of contents
- Answers to generate trends on YouTube.
- Social groups that support artists.
The situation: Position Esperanza Gómez as a referent in sexology in Colombia, by creating a community of adult women who enjoy an active sexual life.
The challenge: Due to the restrictions that come from managing sexual content in social media, we face the challenge of growing all the digital communities, maintaining a good rate of views in Youtube and engagement on Facebook, implementing adequate segmentation to reach the target audience in each media.
Objectives to achieve:
- To position Esperanza Gómez as a sex guide among women, changing the idea in the community that she is just a porn actress.
- Get the public of women to recognize Esperanza Gómez as a sex guide, making them feel comfortable in her as a spokesperson on the subject.
- Create appropriate promotional content for these media, increasing the communities and maintaining good engagement levels.
- Achieve growth through Facebook ads in Facebook and Instagram.
- Activate visits to the YouTube channel.
- Maintain an adequate level of traffic and visits for the Youtube channel, through the promotion of each episode with teasers published on Facebook.
The actions: Digital communities are created on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
Previews of each episode are released in the Facebook Fan Page and a constant posting is kept with the purpose of generating engagement in the segment of women interested in sex.
The Youtube channel contains each of the series episodes (weekly), with advice about sex.
The solution: Fun content that is promoted on Facebook and Instagram to increase the YouTube community, maintaining the levels of engagement in all communities and positioning the YouTube channel.
Implementation of paid media on Facebook and Instagram, allowing a better segmentation in terms of interests and behaviors, reaching the target audience with pleasant content (gradually and gently to the women of our audience) and without conflicting with the restrictions of sexual content, bringing all the qualified traffic to know and visualize the videos in the Youtube channel.
The execution:
Growth on Facebook: Use of Facebook Likes paid media campaign for Fan Page growth, guaranteeing veracity before starting the promotion of the series in YouTube.
Creation of engagement in Facebook and Instagram: Generate expectation in women of the segment, generating conversations through posts that inform the target audience a little about sex tips.
Growth on Instagram: Achieve brand recognition via Stories. Promote the series episodes: each week an episode teaser was performed (Newsfeed post and InstaStory in Instagram).
Optimize and distribute budgets: Each week the results are analyzed, seeking to optimize the media or content that generate greater growth in social media and views in Youtube.
The results: Maintaining all the communities and social channels without entering into any conflict with the restrictions of sexual content in social media.
- 69K followers on YouTube.
- More than 3,8MM views on YouTube.
- 36K Fans on Facebook.
- 63K Fans on Instagram.
- 336K visits to YouTube from Facebook paid media