
Here’s how you should structure your digital marketing automation strategy

One of the most crucial specializations within digital marketing is automation, as it enables the execution of tailored processes driven by audience behavior of the target audience, in addition to facilitating one-on-one interaction. Similar to other branches, comprehending the framework of this strategy it’s important for its effectiveness in meeting predeterminded goals.

What is automation in digital marketing?

Digital marketing automation is a branch that, as its name suggests, automates various processes involved in a strategy; this is achieved through different software designed to streamline procedures. 

Automation opens the door to segment the target audience more specifically, generate effective workflow streams, increase the quantity and quality of leads, or create campaigns. However, it’s important to clarify that before starting an automation strategy, it’s essential to have a well-defined buyer persona.

Why is it important? Because by having a clear understanding of who you’re addressing, you can comprehend the most impactful communication opportunities, as well as understand the stage of the customer journey they’re in.

4 steps to develop your automation strategy

Executing an automation strategy transcends having a CRM that allows you to do it; you must structure each of the processes to obtain a favorable return on investment and succeed in customer acquisition and retention. I’ll explain four essential steps to execute your strategy.

Who is the target audience for this strategy?

It is essential that the first step of your strategy is to define a buyer persona to whom you will direct all communications. With a deep understanding of this, you can determine the best way to make an impact, transitioning them from being a lead to making an effective purchase.

Keep in mind that understanding your audience allows you to create tactics focused on their preferences, needs, and pain points, making it easier for them to identify with your brand or business.

Brief Development

Creating a brief for your strategy provides a clearer vision of your goals, and the action plan you need to implement to accomplish it. Therefore, it’s important that when carrying out your automation strategy, you define an overalll objective, planned activities, touchpoints, communication channels, types of campaigns, etc.

Database Selection

One fundamental aspect of digital marketing automation is the authorization given by users to contact them. When reviewing your database, you cannot start sending emails to your entire list without prior consent from recipients to receive advertising communications; otherwise, you would be violating privacy laws.

Establishing Tone and Communication Moments

Now it’s time to refer to the brand manual so that the content you execute in automation is aligned with your tone, archetype, and visual identity. Once these elements are established, it’s time to structure communication flows.

What are communication flows? They are series of messages triggered automatically in response to user actions, and their objective is to persuade them to make a purchase, subscribe, or follow any specific instruction.

For example, when a user submits their personal information on the website and agrees to receive communications, they are sent a welcome email; this is an initial communication flow. On the other hand, in the case of an e-commerce platform, for instance, there are more communication moments that must be assertive and well-structured.

When a user abandons items in their cart without completing a purchase, or when you send them order confirmations, shipment tracking, etc., these are everyday situations in an e-commerce where communication must be straightforward and clear.

If your audience has given you permission to receive a newsletter, the content should change because it must have a narrative that impacts and surprises your audience; if you only talk about your products or services, you won’t have good metrics because they will eventually get bored of receiving these emails; aim to provide relevant communications according to their preferences and needs.

Remember to consider the “single shots” you can give to your audience; these include birthdays, commercial dates (Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, etc.). While they are a good way to communicate promotions or special activities, you must decide carefully which ones to execute based on your audience. For example, if you have a men’s clothing brand, would it be relevant to send an email about Mother’s Day?

Following these steps, you will be able to establish an automation strategy that is effective and does not end up in your users’ spam folder. Remember that you should always analyze the content you are going to provide to ensure that it is relevant and useful.

Manuela Villegas CEO Yes Sir Agency
Manuela Villegas
Manuela Villegas
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